Never, Never, Never Give Up!

This quote by Winston Churchill, the king of never giving up, is the perfect mantra right now.

We can’t give up on Spring because we love and need it even though it is so hard to wait! It keeps teasing us with gorgeous colors, unfurling-leaved lushness, and flowers everywhere. We are dazzled by rainbows, attacked by hail, and rain pouring in bright sunlight, all of it taunting and teasing.

Anticipation fuels us; our faith in things to come and our courage gives us the strength to stay committed and hopeful. Being resilient is one of the great lessons of all challenges: macro and micro. We are not just hungering for Spring; we are longing for its promise of a new beginning. It has been a long year and a long winter. We crave the warmth of community, connection, and the sun. We want to revel in everything! We cannot change the wait, but we can choose our perspective. We can choose how we face the challenges of waiting for Spring, waiting to finally connect with our dear ones, or our dream home. We are waiting for weather, herd immunity, and more inventory with open eyes, minds, and hearts. We all know that once we decide, the universe conspires to make it happen, just as Ralph Waldo Emerson taught us. We must not give up because if we lose our optimism or courage; we lose making the magic happen. This is a time for genuine compassion, thoughtful consideration, and choosing the best attitude we can every day.

Even in my beloved world of making home dreams and real estate goals come true, there is a new metric driving home offers and values. It is emotion. It is now all about what clients are willing to pay to get the home they truly love. That value is not just the offer price; it includes multiple factors like waiving appraisal differential, inspection for information only, free rentback for sellers, or early release of earnest money. In other words, just like any challenge or battle, it requires a multifaceted approach. At the center of that has to be optimism and courage. We don’t “have” to; we “get” to strategize and rise with thoughtful and collaborative offers.

In every situation, there is an opportunity to give our highest and best. We do this because we are so in love and believe so deeply in the ultimate result of our accomplished goal: home, or Spring, or whatever victory looks like to us that we have perpetual optimism. Even when it makes us vulnerable, we never give up.  It takes a village, so let’s keep taking good care of each other and our hopes and dreams.

xo Melissa

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By Published On: April 9th, 2021Categories: Melissa's BlogComments Off on Never, Never, Never Give Up!